Monday, November 26, 2007

Children's Clinic

The Children's Ward of the Jinja Hospital was redone in 2003. I have a staff of 10 who take care of the Outpatient Department. Besides staffing I also supply all the medicines needed for the OPD and the ward. We help from 150 - 200 children a day. Our biggest disease is Malaria.

Christian Women Working in Communities

This is 120 of the 220 teachers CWWC has working in the country of Uganda. 2007-08 we will have an additional 70 teachers.

Diana Ferrell

Hi, I have been in Jinja, Uganda since 2002. My work is training rural women in Biblical studies, Health Education, and facilitating Adult Literacy. I also have the Children's Clinic of the OPD of the Children's Hospital in Jinja. We serve every day 150 - 200 children with all kinds of diseases.
I also work in Northern Uganda on the boarder of South Sudan in Moyo District. I help the Government hospital's children's ward with medicines serving both the children and the adult patients. A new laboratory has been donated there to help the People of the West Nile Region. I work for Global Outreach International which is a faith based ministry. I love what I do.