I told you that I would try to update weekly. I missed last week. Here is a brief up date.
I am on "furlough" in the States right now. "Furlough" gives the idea of rest from work. Not so for the missionary. I arrived home on October 31 and have had just a few days of rest. Some of the missionaries that I talk with say, "I can't wait to get back to the field to rest."
Just so you know I have not been laying around this has been the last 6 weeks schedule.
Nov. 6 spoke to Unity Baptist WMU. Who are a group of lovely ladies who support me with finances and prayers. They are some of my biggest fans.
Nov. 9 & 10 I went on retreat with my church to Greenbo State Park. Pastor Floyd Paris spoke on "Men are like Waffles and Women are like Spaghetti", he had us all laughing at the funny way we behave.
The week of Thanksgiving my sister and her family came to Ashland. We all went to see UK blow out Liberty University. Liberty is were me, my sister and her husband attended university. The blow out was 30+ points.
We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at Greenbo State Park. You can't beat it no cooking and no cleaning up.
On the last day of November I boarded a plane to spend 2 1/2 weeks in around Atlanta, GA. I have a lot of friends from this area and a lot of supports both financial and prayer.
I have spoke 4 times last week. I have a great devotion the Lord gave me for the Mt Vernon's Joyful Hearts Ministry tea. I hope you will take time to read it.
This week holds a lot of lunches and dinners with more friends. It is no wonder that a missionary will gain at least 20 pounds before going back to the field. It takes me the whole time I'm back on the field to lost that weight before we come home again.