Monday, April 22, 2013

April Thank You

April 22, 2013

Dear Interested Friends,
I am back in the United States for some much needed rest. I will be at my sister’s home in Lynchburg, VA for 6 months. As you might remember this past year, I had two episodes with Mononucleosis and due to that I have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The CFS is really hard on me in the hot weather in Uganda. I have come home to do three things: 1) rest as much as possible to return to Uganda strong and well on October 7, 2) to help take care of my Mom; she lives with my sister here in Lynchburg , and 3) to raise funds for the work in Uganda.
Now an update on Betty Luzira, my director at the children’s clinic, and her surgery on her leg. I was able to raise the $2500 that was needed for her surgery. Betty will go into hospital Wednesday and the surgery will be done on Thursday, April 25. Although the $2500 is there, I am sure there will be other expenses that will need to be met. If you would like to help with Betty’s expenses, just call me at 434 485 4848 or send an email at Remember, I am Betty’s health insurance.
The CWWC is still going on while I am away. Elizabeth will handle the training and teaching herself; while getting local officials involved to help us. We are so happy to see Muslim women learning the Word of God. We passed out the Bibles in our 4th class and all the women accepted them and paid the 3,000/= for theirs. The report from the 5th class was their husbands were happy that they had this book. God is really breaking up the soil for the Baptist church and other evangelical churches to have an opening in a predominately Muslim sub-county of Moyo District.
I wanted to give you an up date on my Ugandan daughter, Doreen. Doreen with the help of your donations, finished a diploma in Nursing in Uganda. She was given a tuition free study in Finland. She left Uganda in August 2012. She is there studying for a degree in Nursing. Just last week, she had surgery for fibroids. The Lord gave her the best surgeon in Finland for this type of operation. She is recovering now in Helsinki at a friend’s home. Doreen had the money to pay for this surgery but I am having a hard time with her expenses each month. Her tuition is free but we mush pay for room and board and transportation. Finland is part of the EU and the expense must be paid in Euros. Her expenses are about $1000 a month. If you would like to help me, it would be a blessing to both Doreen and myself. Please let me know and I will tell you how to send the gift.
Sunset in Uganda
Finally, I will be doing some traveling starting in May. I would like to see those of you that I haven’t seen in awhile. If you would call Janie Smith at Unity Baptist Church, She is helping me again with scheduling. She just needs to know when you would like me to come to your church or group. Unity Baptist Church phone number: 606 324 7157
Looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing each one of you! Thank you so much for your faithful giving each month!
God bless,

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