Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Medical Outreach with Victoria Baptist Church Jinja, Uganda

This is what the out reach will look like
30 April 2013
This year is flying again!

I wanted to tell you about a Medical Outreach that I am helping with even though I am here in the US. The Medical Outreach is with my Jinja Children's Clinic Staff and Victoria Baptist Church. Victoria is where I attend when I am in Uganda. I am also a member of the Missions Committee there. My Clinic Staff asked me to see if the Missions Committee would like to have a Medical Outreach at its church plants to help with their work in the different communities.

Victoria has 8 church plants within about 50 miles of its location in Jinja.

The church plant which the Missions Committee chose is in the village of Nakivumbi. The outreach will take place May 22-25 at Liberty Baptist Church. This church was planted and built with the help of a church from the States. Over the past 6 years the church had stopped functioning. A very sad state!

The dates again are May 22-25 there will be 2 days of Medical Outreach to the village and then 2 days for Bible Study and Revival. The Outreach will commence on Sunday with the worship service in the morning.

Along with my Clinic Staff there are 28 volunteers from Victoria Baptist Church going to help with security, presenting the Gospel, clerical assistants, pharmacy assistants, and in-take clerks. Victoria also has 2 Doctors who will volunteer.

When you want to do big things that means a big budget. My Clinic Staff put together a Medical Outreach budget, this included the drugs, lunches for 2 days, and the transportation. The budget is over 10 million Uganda shillings translated to about $5000! I have requested that they look at the budget to cut it down.

I am putting this out to see if someone or many someones who would like to contribute to this Medical Outreach. This Outreach will do two things 1) help a small village with some much needed medical care for about 1,000 people and 2) present the Gospel to many who may have never heard a clear presentation.

Won't you help? If you can please send you donations to Global Outreach International at PO Box 1, Tupelo, MS 38802 or you can give online at http://www.globaloutreach.org/missionaries.html then look for my name and you can donate with credit card or Pay Pal.

I will keep you up dated on this project as it happens next month!

If you would like to be apart of the next Medical Outreach it will be in October 2013. I will be back in Uganda and would love to have you and/or your Church be a part.

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