Friday, May 27, 2011

Pray, pray and pray

R.A. Torrey said in his book "How to Pray" Ephesians 6:18 "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."
Comment "'I must pray, pray, pray, I must put all my energy and all my heart into prayer. Whatever else I do, I must pray.'"

I could really use your prayers today. I just heard from Global Outreach that my ministry account is over drawn again. I am running short each month about $3000. My sending church, Unity Baptist of Ashland, KY has helped me several times but this time there are no funds left. I am in the hole $1300 right now. Pray that money will come into replenish my accounts.

Also I need new churches and individuals who are willing to help me with the two ministries in Uganda. I can't do it without you! I need 30 church and individuals giving $100 a month or 60 individuals giving $50 a month. Please pray about helping me to give the gospel to the people of Uganda.

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